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Refund Policy & Terms and Conditions

Cancellation / Refunds

Effective 5/1/2021

**Due to the COVID-19 virus, the terms and conditions may change based on the extraordinary challenges this virus has caused for first responders, attendees, exhibitors, staff, and our support partners in the production of FireShowsWest and/or other training or events.  As circumstances change, FireShowsWest will do its best to communicate any updates as soon as possible via its website, email and other appropriate channels of communication.

September 26 through September 29, 2022
Refunds and Cancellations

Any cancellation must be submitted in writing and sent to for refund consideration.


--Before and up to September 16, 2022, registrations can be cancelled and are refunded at no charge.

--After September 16, 2022 registrations are non-refundable.


Cancellation fee does not apply to Exhibit Hall admission.


Class Offerings and Changes

Class offerings are subject to change based on circumstances beyond the control of show management. In the event a class you had registered to attend is no longer offered, your registration can be transferred to another class of your choice, provided space is available. If a suitable class is not available, your registration fees (in full or in part) may be refunded.

In the event of a class change or cancellation, FireShowsWest is not liable for any additional or ancillary related costs, including but not limited to, hotel and airline fees and/or cancellation fees.


No refunds are offered for classes which may be suspended or shortened at the time of the event due to weather of other conditions or circumstances beyond the control of show management or the facility.

Age Restriction
Children under 16 may be admitted into the Exhibit Hall with a badge, during show hours, provided they are accompanied by a registered adult.


If you have a disability or require special assistance and/or accommodations in order to participate in FireShowsWest, please contact our office at 1-800-632-7489.  Any request for special accommodations must be arranged at least two weeks prior to the event.


Effective 6/20/22

Attendee Terms and Conditions
By registering to attend this event you are agreeing to release FireShowsWest from any and all liability associated with the FireShowsWest in-person and/or virtual event.

By registering, attending or viewing the FireShowsWest event, registrants and attendees agree not to rebroadcast, re-transmit, record or share any of the content of this event without express written permission by FireShowsWest and the authors of the materials.  These actions are strictly prohibited with strict penalties under U.S. Copyright laws. FireShowsWest reserves the right to reject and refuse any registrations and attendance at this event for any reason and at any time.

By registering or attending this FireShowsWest event, registrants give permission for their images to be captured during the event through video, livestream and/or photo to be used in promotional and commercial materials, publications, and on related FireShowsWest websites, and waive any and all rights including, but not limited to, compensation or ownership.

By registering or attending for this FireShowsWest event registrants and attendees, upon permission, give permission for their contact information to be shared with associated third-party vendors, event sponsors and be included into the FireShowsWest email distribution list. If a registrant or attendee would like to opt-out a written request must be sent to

The agenda, speakers and panelists are subject to change without notice.

FireShowsWest Website
User shall not have the right to sell, license, market, or lease the Website content to any party whatsoever without the prior written consent of FireShowsWest. User shall not have the right to distribute the Website content in any manner to any third party or unauthorized user.

Website Content
The contents of the FireShowsWest website are intended for the benefit of User's legitimate non-commercial business. All materials displayed on the website (including, but not limited to articles, reports, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips, each also known as the "Content") are protected by copyright, and owned or controlled by FireShowsWest or the party credited as the provider of the Content, software, or other materials. Users shall abide by all copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the FireShowsWest website. User acknowledges that he/she has no claim of ownership or other right to any Content by reason of its access, use, or otherwise.

Photo Release
FireShowsWest Show Management and their show sponsors occasionally uses photographs or videos of their conference and exhibition activities in their marketing collateral and for social media.  Participating as an attendee or exhibitor, you are giving permission to FireShowsWest and/or sponsors to publish pictures that may contain your photo or a likeness of you.

Conference Photography and/or Taping
We ask that attendees respect our policies.  Any device that is capable of producing video or audio recordings is not allowed during FireShowsWest without the consent of the instructor.  Photography is not allowed in classroom without approval from the instructor.

Class Changes or Substitutions
Substitutions may be made at any time. Class offerings are subject to change based on circumstances and/or performance. In the event that a class you register to attend is no longer offered your registration will be transferred to another class of your choice, provided space is available. In the event of a class change or cancellation FireShowsWest, its partners, and/or instructors are not liable for any additional or ancillary related costs, including but not limited to, hotel and airline fees and/or cancellation fees.

No refunds are offered for classes which may be suspended or shortened at the time of the event due to weather of other conditions or circumstances beyond FireShowsWest’s control.

Exhibit Hall
Children 16 and under are admitted into the Exhibit Hall with a badge, during show hours, provided they are accompanied by a registered adult.

Special Needs
If you have a disability or require special services or accommodations in order to participate in FireShowsWest, please contact our office at 1-800-632-7489 at least two weeks in advance of attendance.   

Health and Safety Standards
Due to the COVID-19 virus, the terms and conditions may change based on the extraordinary challenges this virus has caused for first responders, attendees, exhibitors, staff, and our support partners in the production of FireShowsWest and/or other training or events.  As circumstances change, FireShowsWest will do its best to communicate any updates as soon as possible via its website, email and other appropriate channels of communication.  All applicable laws from the federal, state and local levels will be followed, as well as guidelines from the CDC.

I am aware of the contagious nature of bacterial and viral diseases, including the COVID-19, which I understand may in some cases may result in serious illness, personal injury, permanent disability, or death (collectively, the “Disease”) and the risk that I may be exposed to or contract the Disease by being on the Premises and participating in the Event. I acknowledge that I bear responsibility for myself and the risk that I present to others as well as the fact that risk of exposure may result from or be compounded by the actions, omissions, or negligence of others, including Company employees and therefore, I agree as follows:
I certify that I am not sick and do not have signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and that I am not waiting on the results of a COVID-19 test.

I will not enter the Venue or participate in person at any activities of the Event if I am experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. I acknowledge that common symptoms of COVID-19 include (but are not limited to):
Fever or chills    
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing    
New loss of taste or smell    
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Understanding the risks associated with the COVID-19 disease, I am voluntarily entering the venue to participate in the event with knowledge of the danger involved.  I accept and assume all risks of personal injury illness, disability, death and/or property damage related to the disease arising from my being at the venue or otherwise participating in the event, whether caused by the ordinary negligence of the company or otherwise.

While at the Venue or otherwise participating in the Event, I agree to be socially responsible and fully comply with COVID-19 health and safety measures and protocols established by the Event and the Venue for attendance as well as applicable State and local requirements, including, but not limited to, wearing approved face covering at all times, maintaining appropriate social distance from others, wash my hands frequently (or suitable sanitizing alternative).

I agree to immediately isolate myself and notify Event personnel if during the Event or within seven (7) days thereafter I develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or become aware that I, or someone I have been in close contact with, is exposed to or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or receives a positive COVID-19 test.

Release of Liability
I expressly waive and release any and all claims, now known or hereafter known, against FireShowsWest, FireShowsWest First Responders Training and Education Foundation, its directors/officers, agents, instructors, and supporting partners, on account of injury, illness, disability, death or property damage arising out of or attributable to my being at the venue or participating in the event.


Show Information
Show Dates: Tuesday, September 27 through Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Location: Grand Sierra Resort Hotel  |  2500 E. 2nd Street | Reno, NV  89595


1. Contract

This application, properly executed by Applicant (Exhibitor) shall upon written acceptance by FireShowsWest (Show Management) constitute a valid and binding contract. Show Management reserves the right to render all interpretations and to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary for the general success of the exposition. It is further agreed that the conditions, rules and regulations as herein stated and outlined in the Exhibitor’s Service Kit are made a part hereof as though fully incorporated herein, and that said Exhibitor agrees to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

2.  Payment and Terms
Payment terms are stated as part of the online booth reservation application and online at .  The entire booth fee must be paid in full at the time of booth reservation, unless show management offers alternative payment terms.  


3. Cancellation /Refund Policy

Receipt of a signed booth contract and/or payment is a commitment to exhibit at FireShowsWest. Notification of booth space cancellation for any reason must be submitted in writing to FireShowsWest. If notice of cancellation is received:

• On or before August 5, 2022— The first 50% of the total cost of the Exhibitor’s space will be applied toward the next year’s exhibit space.  Any amount paid over 50% of the total rental will be eligible for either carry-over to the following year’s exposition OR refunded at the exhibitor’s request.   

• After August 5, 2022—Exhibitor forfeits the first 50% of the total cost of exhibit space assigned.  Any remaining balance may be applied toward the next year’s exhibit space.  No refunds will be made after this date.


• After 3:00 PM (Pacific Time) on September 27, 2022—Exhibitor forfeits the entire amount of any payments and credits.  No-shows at this time are also considered cancellations.  FireShowsWest may reassign any exhibit space without refund to the exhibitor.

If the exposition is cancelled or is not held for any reason whatsoever, then this agreement shall be cancelled.  Exhibitor’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to receive a refund of all amounts the Exhibitor has actually paid on account of this contract.  If for any reason beyond Management’s reasonable control (e.g., an act of God, fire, labor disturbance, pandemic, etc.) and the exposition is materially curtailed or changed, show management will provide options for a booth fee refund and/or apply the payment to a future exposition.

It is agreed that if the Exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of the agreement, then Show Management shall have the right without notice to the Exhibitor to sell or offer for sale the exhibit space covered by this contract. Exhibitor will be liable for any deficiency, loss or damage suffered by the exposition by the reason of the premises stated, which loss or damage the Exhibitor agrees to pay the exposition upon demand together with reasonable expenses and costs incurred by reason thereof. It is further agreed that the actual occupation of the exhibit space by an exhibit is of essence, and that, should the exposition be unable to effect the sale of the space as herein provided, the exposition, is then expressly authorized to occupy or cause said space to be occupied in such manner as it may deem in the best interest of the exposition, without any rebate or allowance whatsoever to the Exhibitor and without in any way releasing said Exhibitor from any liability hereunder. Exhibitor listed on this contract expressly agrees to pay the exposition the full sum as herein set forth. If the exposition is cancelled or is not held for any reason whatsoever, then this agreement shall be cancelled.  Exhibitor’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be to receive a refund of all amounts the Exhibitor has actually paid on account of this contract.  If for any reason beyond Management’s reasonable control (e.g., an act of God, fire, labor disturbance, pandemic, etc.) and the exposition is materially curtailed or changed, show management will provide options for a booth fee refund and/or apply the payment to a future exposition.



4. Insurance
Exhibitor shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain during the term of installation and use of the exhibit facilities a comprehensive Commercial General Liability Insurance policy for claims of bodily injury or death and properly damage occurring in or upon or resulting from the premises leased.  Such insurance shall include contractual liability and product liability coverage, with combined single limits of liability of not less than $2,000,000. These coverages must be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance with a ten-day notice of cancellation provision to the holder and supplied to and naming FireShowsWest as additional insured at least ten days before the proposed move-in date.

Exhibitors must carry Worker’s Compensation and Occupational Disease insurance to be in full compliance with all federal and state laws and covering all the Exhibitor’s employees engaged in their performance of any work for Exhibitor. It is strongly recommended that Exhibitors also carry insurance to cover loss of or damage to the exhibits or other personal property while such property is located at or is in transit to or from the exposition site. While the exposition provides security guards, this is solely as an accommodation to Exhibitors and FireShowsWest does not assume any responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to any property of the Exhibitor or to any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors, whether attributable to accident, fire, theft or any other cause whatsoever. The Exhibitor expressly agrees to save and hold harmless FireShowsWest, their management, agents, and employees from any and all claims, liabilities and losses for injuries to persons (including death) or damage to property arising in connection with Exhibitor’s use of the exhibit space, except such losses as may be the result of the sole negligence of FireShowWest.  Show Management reserves the right to prohibit exhibitor from setting up or operating its booth without having provided a CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE.


        4.1  Exhibitor Appointed Contractors:  If an individual exhibitor chooses to utilize its own contractor (“EAC”) to provide any of the non-exclusive services that the contracted show decorator may provide, exhibitors will be required to provide evidence of insurance as outlined in the Exhibitor Service Kit and shall provide such evidence in the form of a current Certificate of Insurance evidencing that the EAC has in place the minimum insurance coverages as required by the contracted show decorator. The Certificate of Insurance will be supplied to FireShowsWest and the contracted decorator at least ten days before
move-in date.


5. Use of Space

Show Management reserves the right to make the final determination of all space assignments.  Show Management reserves the right to decline, prohibit or expel an exhibit which, in its judgment, is out of keeping with the character of the exposition, this reservation being all inclusive as to person, things, printed matter, product, conduct, sound level, etc.

Distribution of advertising material and Exhibitor solicitation of any sort shall be restricted to the Exhibitor’s booth.

Exhibitor’s exhibit or product may not extend beyond the limits of the Exhibitor’s booth and part of any exhibit or product may not extend into any aisle.

No exhibitor shall so arrange the exhibit space so as to obscure or prejudice adjacent Exhibitors in the opinion of Show Management.

Exhibitor shall not assign or sublet any part of the assigned space without the consent of Show Management in writing. Any space not occupied by the time set for completion of installation of displays will be reassigned at the discretion of show management. Deposits will be forfeited unless special arrangements have been approved by Show Management.

Exhibitor will keep the exhibit open and staffed at all times during the show hours.

                5.1  Booth Standards.  Standard booth equipment (back and side wall draping, identification sign) is provided by FireShowsWest without the cost to the Exhibitor. If an Exhibitor plans to install a completely constructed display of such a character that the Exhibitor will not require or desire the use of standard booth equipment, no part thereof, shall so project as to obstruct the view of adjacent booths.

               5.2  No display nor its contents may exceed a height of 8 ft. nor may the side walls be higher than 3 feet.

              5.3  FireShowsWest Show management reserves the right at any time to change the location, size and display limits of the exhibit if it is in the best interest of the exposition.  Raw wood, cardboard or similar material for wings to booths must be covered or painted if they are visible in adjacent booths. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of this contract and as stated in the Exhibitor’s Manual will result in the alteration or removal of the booth at the Exhibitor’s expense. Rental fees for services and exhibit space are not refundable.

6.  Licenses and Permits
Exhibitors shall be bound by all pertinent laws, codes and regulations of municipal or other authorities having jurisdiction over the exhibit facility or the conducting of said exhibit, together with the rules and regulations or the owners and/or operators of the facility in which the exposition is held.

No music will be broadcast without appropriate licensing and Show Management approval. 



7.  Available Services 

On behalf of the Exhibitors, FireShowsWest has designated official exposition contractors to provide the following: drayage, cartage, furniture, booth and floor decorations, signs, photographs, telephone services, etc. Service of electricians, plumbers, carpenters and other labor will be available and charged at the then-prevailing rate. Contractors and rates will be listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit to be issued separately. FireShowsWest assumes no responsibility or liability for persons, parties, and organization. Arrangements for these services and payments are to be made between Exhibitors and official Exposition contractors. Rules and regulations for union labor are made by the local unions and these regulations may be changed at any time. Where union labor is required because of building or contractor requirements, Exhibitor agrees to comply with the regulations currently in effect.


8. Protection of Facilities

Nothing shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to the columns, walls, floors or other parts of the exposition hall exhibit area without permission from the proper building authority. Packing, unpacking, and assembly of exhibits shall be done only in designated areas and in conformity with directions of Show Management, the exposition hall manager or their assistants.


9. Installation and Dismantling

The specific requirements as to time for installation and dismantling of exhibits shall be set forth in the Exhibitor’s Service Kit supplied to each Exhibitor for this particular exposition. Such requirements shall be binding upon the Exhibitor as set forth herein.

10.  Photography
The photography rights for all activities during the exposition are reserved for Show Management.  Show Management occasionally uses photographs of their exposition activities in their marketing collateral.  As an exhibitor, you are giving permission to publish pictures and/or video that may contain your photo or a likeness of you.

11.  Performance
This contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada and any arbitration or litigation arising out of performance hereof shall occur in the courts of Washoe County, Nevada.



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