Firefighters have only one mission – to save lives and protect property. Please help them complete that mission safely.
On behalf of 1.2 million firefighters in the United States, please allow them to carry out their sworn duty and allow them to serve others before self through training and education.
Thank you for considering our request for a donation.

We need the support from our communities and sponsors to help us in setting up virtual training opportunities to continue the vital training that our first responders need and deserve to keep their skills sharp and knowledge up-to-date.
When responding to an emergency call for you or a family member, we believe you will want them to know the latest techniques and information on all types of emergencies. Your donation will benefit our efforts toward making this happen.
Firefighters are always there to help. That is what firefighters, paramedics and EMTs do, especially in the most difficult of times.
Keeping Our First Responders Trained
Whether you or your family reside in a large city or a small, rural community, your firefighters play a major part in your safety and well-being. We are seeing many fire departments, large and small, having severe budget issues as a result of the COVID-19, so allowing firefighters to attend outside training may become more difficult for many reasons.
We are witnessing one of the most difficult times in the history of our country across the United States right now. During the past 24 years, FireShowsWest First Responders Training and Education Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, has been producing training events for West coast first responders, known as FireShowsWest.
In 2020, our in-person training was cancelled due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. We find ourselves in unfamiliar territory as we try to navigate creative ways of bringing valuable training to firefighters and first responders in the wake of our “next” normal
for public safety.
Despite these extremely dangerous conditions and unprecedented times, our passion continues to be offering exceptional training sessions through in-person training, as well as through a virtual platform. It gives them a chance to interact with some of the most influential trainers
in the fire service,whether it is in-person or virtual.